To order goods from China

To find the product you need

Online search engine

Despite the fact that almost all of them are in Chinese, these websites have a convenient photo search that you can easily use to find any product.

Example of how to search for a product

All platforms have apps for iOS and Android.

or on other sites

(photo, color, size, model, technical specifications, quantity, etc.). We will offer you options)

If you want us to find all the products, please send detailed information for each item

Submit a purchase request for the product

If you need a bulk purchase
(1-2 items)

Send us a photo, description, or link to the required product.

If you need a consolidated shipment
(many items)

Fill out our order form and send it to us for processing.
Remember, the minimum order amount is 3500¥
2000¥ for newcomers, but no more than 5 items in the form!

Wait for the request to be processed

We find the product on resources within China, get the best offers from suppliers, and send you photos, specifications, and prices.

If possible, we calculate the approximate delivery cost to Moscow/Almaty and the final amount to be paid.

In case you send a completed order form with your links for purchase,

We verify all data, clarify details with suppliers, and if necessary, correct the form and send it to you for confirmation.

After receiving a properly completed request, if there are no clarifications needed, we will process the request and send you an offer.

Pay for the order, and we will purchase it and deliver it to you

If you are satisfied with everything, you need to pay the full amount so that we can place the order.
Payment can be made in rubles to a Russian card, and amounts over $ 5000 can be transferred in Moscow.

We also want to note that we do not handle personal exchanges!
— We use private exchange services that we are 100% confident in.
— However, the exchange rate may not always be favorable. You can check the current rate with our bot: @dostavochka39Bot
Within 24 hours, we purchase the product and have it delivered to our warehouse in Shenzhen, China.
— After receiving the package at our warehouse, a visual inspection is conducted. Each package is opened, and we send you real photos.
If you are not satisfied, we can refund your money or replace the product (this will not be possible once the product is received in Russia).

If you are satisfied, the product is then packed and shipped to Moscow or another transit point (for example, Almaty).

Payment for the product is made upon the arrival of the cargo at the transit point, after which you can either pick up the product or have it shipped from the transit point to your city.

If you have a non-standard request

For example, producing products under your own brand, ordering samples and selecting the best supplier, finding unique products, and much more. For this, a complete specification with all requirements and details is necessary, and we will discuss the terms of cooperation on an individual basis.

We strive to respond to everyone and process all requests, and these recommendations will significantly speed up our work with you.

Submit a request, and we will answer your questions, inform you of the cost, and provide delivery times for your product.

We know how to buy goods profitably and deliver them to Russia


We are always available. Ask questions, send tasks for search, or find out the cost of goods and delivery.

Write a request in the message, our manager will contact you.

More information:

Instagram Facebook and Meta Platforms Inc., the company that owns the social networks Facebook and Instagram, was recognized as an extremist organization by a court decision dated 03/21/2022, and its activities in Russia are prohibited.
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